Hasta la vista, Jon Huntsman. Turns out being the candidate for people who think Mitt Romney is just a little too exciting for them isn't the best strategy. I'll always remember the time I heard Jon Huntsman say something I immediately forgot. How could a guy with "hunt" right there in his name not do better in the Republican party?
Seriously though, the fact that the only Republican candidate who was even remotely qualified to be President is also the only Republican candidate who never got near the top of the polls is just another in a long series of examples of what's wrong with the current Republican party. Anyone who had a choice between Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorum and decided that Santorum was the way to go should be immediately stripped of all voting rights for at least 2 elections.
Tonight's debate is brought to you by Fox "News" and moderated by Fox's Bret Baier, with questions from Juan Williams, some lady named Kelly and some guy who looks like an actor whose name I can't quite remember. Why not just have those idiots from Fox & Friends do the debates? At least that would be hilarious. Anyway, courtesy of America's worst news channel, it's yet another Republican debate.
9:01PM: South Carolina does not like Ron Paul. That's only going to make him more surly.
9:02PM: Baier just reminded us that all of these candidates have done this "15 times". Way to remind the audience how insanely unnecessary tonight is Bret.
9:04PM: Newt claims it was really big of him to stay positive all the way through the campaign, until he decided not to anymore. Clearly, Newt sees campaign positivity the same way he sees wives. He sticks with it until he doesn't feel like it anymore, and that's good enough.
9:05PM: Newt goes on to claim that his negative attacks on Romney are actually some kind of altruistic attempt to give Mitt a chance to answer these questions now instead of later. He really is a crazy person.
9:08PM: Mitt just gave us his entire life story in 90 seconds. You wouldn't think a person could actually do that, but Mitt is one of the 10 least interesting people in the world. He nailed it, with time to spare.
9:09PM: Apparently, Rick Perry visited a South Carolina town with a steel mill that Romney's company "picked over" and shut down. The question, by the way, was what regulations would Perry put into place in order to prevent what he calls "vulture capitalism". His answer? Less regulations. Wait, what?
9:11PM: Mitt is blaming his steel mill closing on China. It took 11 minutes without Huntsman before somebody said something stupid about China. Frankly, I can't believe it took that long. Mitt also pointed out that his company opened a steel mill in Indiana. I'm sure that makes people in South Carolina feel better about the whole thing.
9:13PM: Embedded in two minutes of Romney nonsense was a quick story about how his company closed a plant with union workers, then opened a new non-union plant. And if the union workers didn't want to work in the new non-union plant, well, fuck them. That pretty much sums it up.
9:16PM: Once again, Santorum defends Ron Paul's accusations about Rick being corrupt not by saying they're false, but by pointing out that his corruption was reported by the liberal media. Stupid liberals, always saying true things about Rick Santorum.
9:19PM: For the second time in the first 19 minutes, Romney just basically told Baier that he's going to say whatever the hell he wants and take as much time as he needs and Baier can suck it (I may be paraphrasing). Someone's feeling pretty confident.
9:20PM: Romney says violent felons should never be able to vote again. I'm pretty sure he's wrong about that. I don't really care that much, but he's still wrong.
9:23PM: I just spent three minutes not listening to Romney because I was googling old bald actors trying to figure out who the third question guy looks like. Couldn't find it. I'm going with John Malkovich, but it's not quite right.
9:28PM: Twitter just asked Romney to convince us that he won't change his views on issues again. It's not a good sign that Twitter has asked the best question of the night so far. Then Romney said one of the stupidest things Republicans say all the time. He believes in equal rights for everyone, but not gay marriage. See, I have to believe Republicans don't understand what "equal" means. Giving people less rights than other people is the exact opposite of equal. You don't believe in equal rights Mitt, stop saying you do.
9:31PM: Perry says South Carolina is at war with the Federal government and gets a huge cheer from the crowd. I know Rick Perry doesn't know anything about history, but even Rick should probably know that South Carolina isn't the best place to talk about a state being at war with the Federal government. Perry also doubled down on his nonsense claim that the Obama administration is at war with religion. I could go into a whole thing about this, but it's just easier to say that Perry is an idiot.
9:33PM: Santorum says being out of work for 99 weeks causes people to lose certain skills. His solution to this quandary is to stop paying people unemployment benefits for that long. I think Republicans believe that if you stop paying unemployment benefits to people, jobs will magically appear for them to do.
9:35PM: Gingrich, once again, suggests that unemployment benefits should be tied to some kind of job training. For what jobs, Newt? Also, Newt took this first visit to the south as an opportunity to suggest that Barack Obama is lazy and doesn't believe in work. It's too late to castrate Newt, isn't it? Oh well.
9:37PM: I don't know if Ron Paul left or if Baier is just ignoring him.
9:38PM: Romney is openly launching into parts of his stump speech whenever they ask him a question.
9:39PM: Malkovich keeps asking Ron Paul about the cuts he's proposing to "defense spending". Ron keeps responding by telling Malkovich he doesn't understand the difference between actual defense spending on the military and ridiculous wasteful spending. He came this close to calling Malkovich stupid. I told you he'd be more surly tonight.
9:42PM: Rick Perry is still suggesting a 20% flat tax. Newt outbids him with his proposal of a 15% flat tax. Ron wins by bidding 0%. I thought you couldn't go below one dollar...wait, what show is this?
9:43PM: Kelly just asked Mitt about releasing his tax records. I'm sure he's been paying his taxes, just like humans do. He says he'll release his tax records around April.
9:44PM: Williams gets booed by the South Carolina crowd just for mentioning that Mitt's dad was born in Mexico. Quick note for any friends and relatives who are reading this. If I ever talk about moving to the south for any reason, please stop me. Use lethal force if you have to.
9:47PM: Santorum takes the long way to suggesting that maybe black people wouldn't be so poor if they would just stop having so many babies out of wedlock. Huge cheer from the crowd, obviously. People watching will say he wasn't just talking about black people, but Juan's question was pretty clearly about poverty in the African-American community, so you tell me.
9:49PM: Juan throws my man Ron a softball about the racial disparity in drug laws, arrests and imprisonment. Ron correctly pointed out the discrimination in the judicial system, as he's done before, but then he ended by listing a few things Martin Luther King Jr. would agree with him on. Calm down, Ron. I like you, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be Dr. King's favorite Congressman.
9:52PM: Williams asked Newt if he can at least see how his suggestion about school kids being janitors in their own schools is insulting to Americans. Newt's answer? "No, I don't". Newt turned it into some weird argument about how only elites would oppose his brilliant child janitors idea. That might sound really crazy, but you have to remember that when Newt says "elites", he means "people with brains".
9:54PM: The crowd is going nuts over Newt's thinly veiled racism. It's like a klan rally, and Newt's the grand wizard. My favorite claim of his was how Barack Obama has put more people on food stamps than any other President. Right, people were just sitting around, comfortably being able to buy their own food, and President Obama stormed into their homes, took all their money and forced them to need assistance so they can eat.
10:01PM: Talking about Pakistan, Ron makes the crazy suggestion that we should maybe treat other countries the way we expect to be treated. After five minutes of arguing about this, the crowd boos Ron pretty loudly for the suggestion. This, by the way, is why I call these guys idiots whenever they try to argue that America is special and way better than everyone else.
10:06PM: Baier has no control over the candidates, the crowd, anything.
10:09PM: Mitt proposes having a military so strong that nobody would ever think of testing it. I'm not sure how he thinks this would help with terrorism, but that's his plan.
10:12PM: I have a headache. Can we just stipulate that four of these guys want to go to war with as many muslim countries as they can find?
10:15PM: Ron points out that there's a difference between the taliban and al qaeda. Newt and the Ricks look pretty confused.
10:17PM: Mitt says it's OK for the President to have the ability to indefinitely detain American citizens, because Mitt promises he won't abuse that power. Well, if Mitt and President Obama promise not to abuse their authority, then I guess it's OK. I just hope they didn't have their fingers crossed.
10:19PM: The candidates appear to be openly mocking the moderators at this point. Baier asked Ron if he'd like to take 30 seconds to talk about this indefinite detention thing, Ron informed Bret that he'll be taking a minute.
10:21PM: How would Rick Perry address the problems in the housing market? Come on, you know this one. That's right! Tax cuts. There's nothing that can't be fixed by tax cuts, as long as you're already rich. And if you're not already rich, well, fuck you!
10:23PM: Question lady Kelly becomes easily my favorite by summing up Perry's two minutes of nonsense perfectly by pointing out that tax cuts don't count as doing something to address the housing market.
10:26PM: Newt just referred to himself as "a historian" again. HA! Newt's still really excited about how Chile does their social security system. Hey Newt, if you like Chile so much, why don't you just move to Chile. Seriously Newt, move to Chile, I'll buy your plane ticket.
10:29PM: Santorum just talked for three straight minutes. I'm dizzy.
10:31PM: Newt says there are 185 separate bureaucracies that deal with low income people. Newt would balance the budget by getting rid of all of them and block granting everything back to the states. Or back to cities, or wherever. The point is, when Newt's President, he does not want to deal with poor people.
10:33PM: Romney is still proposing his awesome idea of eliminating the capital gains tax on poor people and the middle class. Somebody must have told him how stupid that sounds by now, he must just not be listening.
10:39PM: Mitt appears to be promising to sign whatever legislation the pro-gun lobby tells him to. He's also in favor of all the laws we need to protect people, as long as we never pass any new gun laws ever again.
10:40PM: Juan asks Santorum about his second amendment bona fides. Listen, I may not agree with him, but I'm pretty sure Santorum is all for guns. Not being pro-gun enough is not one of the ways you should be attacking Rick Santorum.
10:42PM: During this whole gun argument, Santorum is kind enough to remind us that he's OK with the Federal government doing whatever it wants, as long as it's doing things that Rick agrees with. Santorum is also laying out a pretty good plan to end gun manufacturing in this country. He's talking about that like it would be a bad thing, but someone should probably look into Rick's plan to see if it would work.
10:45PM: Mitt and Newt are arguing about false superPAC ads. Funny how all these guys who supported unlimited money in campaigns apparently never thought that anyone other than themselves would actually get to take advantage of it. Mitt's solution appears to be to allow donors to buy candidates directly.
10:48PM: Rick Perry just figured out that rates of immigration are tied to how well our economy is doing. It was like watching the moment that a dog figures out that the tail he's been chasing is his.
10:50PM: I think Newt just blamed immigrants for low test scores in schools. I think that's a pretty good way to end things, Baier agrees.
Well, I was definitely more negative about tonight's debate than I've been about past debates. In my defense, the candidates were quite a bit stupider tonight than they've been in the past. See you next time.
Monday, January 16, 2012
The Man Who Knew Too Much
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