Monday, October 22, 2012

Bad News

Sadly, tonight's final debate of the long campaign season will go off without my commentary, as I'll be at work for most if not all of it.  I may try to do something with Election Day, but seeing as this is the last debate, I wanted to say thank you.  For anyone who took the time to read and/or comment, I've enjoyed following all of these debates and I hope I gave you a laugh, and maybe even encouraged one or two more people to pay more attention.

It's probably for the best, I hate foreign policy debates.  Not because Mitt Romney will spend the night pandering to the simpletons in his party.  Not because Mitt Romney will say many many things that expose how little he knows about foreign policy only to have the media talk about how good he looked and how strong he sounded doing it.  Not even because I find it difficult to find any real difference between the two parties on many issues.

I hate foreign policy debates because I'm not sure they matter.  In my adult life, I've learned that we have no idea what foreign policy disasters the guy who wins this election is going to have to deal with. I'm not super interested in what these guys say they would do if something happens, because it's always the thing we don't expect that gets us.

What I want to know is who's smarter?  Who's more reasonable, who's more rational?  I don't care about canned answers on the issues we already know about.  I need to know which guy shows me that he's ready to handle the unexpected crisis?

And that's why I'm voting for Barack Obama.  Because he's just smarter.  He knows more and he's willing to learn more.  I honestly think Mitt Romney sees foreign policy as a campaign issue, not something he actually cares about.  And that's fine, but that's why he doesn't get my vote.

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