Monday, March 11, 2013

Pope Me The First

Yeah, I'm going to be the new pope.  And you know what else?  I'm going to be the best pope ever.  Catholics for the rest of history are gonna be like "that Jesus fellow was OK, but Pope Sean was the shit!"  That's how Catholics talk.  Believe me, I know Catholics.

Why should I be the new pope?  Well, first of all, I'm totally qualified.   Don't believe me?  Take a look at my pope resume!

Pope Qualifications

Catholic? - Check (technically, I was baptized and stuff)
Knows the rules? - Check, 12 years of Catholic school baby!
Looks good in big funny hats? - Check
Speaks Latin? - Check.  Well, I mean, I've heard of Latin.  I'm familiar with it.  Nobody knows Latin anyway, I think if I just fake it I'll be fine. know how it goes.
Actually believes in, ya know, god? - Hey, is that the first stone I see you casting?  I'm not infallible you know.  Not yet anyway.
Number of times I've been accused or suspected of having sex with children?  Zero.  That's literally never happened to me.  This one feels fairly important.

Qualified isn't enough though, and I understand that.  The church isn't doing so well lately.  The church needs new ideas, or a new direction, or at least a new haircut.  You want new ideas?  I have so many new ideas!

Pope Ideas

No More Church
OK, hear me out.  The book says you have to keep holy the sabbath day, it doesn't say you have to sit in a hot room and be bored for an hour every Sunday.  Church is boring and awful and everyone knows it.  I will decree that whatever you do on Sunday from now on is just between you and the god that isn't really there.  And we'll turn all the churches into homeless shelters.  And we'll sell all the gold in the churches and give the money to charity.  This is a good idea.  Have you seen how much gold churches have?  So much gold.

Lady Priests
This one's pretty obvious, but yeah, we need some lady priests.  And we also need some married priests.  No wonder the church is struggling so much.  Women make stuff better.  It's a true story.  Will the man priests and the lady priests be allowed to marry each other?  I don't know, I'll probably leave that up to whoever I pick to be the Vice Pope, who, incidentally, will almost definitely be a lady.  Oh, and since there doesn't seem to be one now, I'm also adding a Vice Pope.  Make a note.

Three Strike Policy for Sex Offenders
I know what you're thinking, and listen, a three strike policy would still be better than the church's current infinity strike policy.  But no, that's not what I mean.  You don't get two free molestations.  My three strike policy means that the first time you get caught touching kids I strike you in the head three times with my giant jewel-encrusted pope stick.  You will almost definitely die.

Listen, you have to keep this one a secret though.  I want offending priests to be really surprised when they get to the Pope House wondering "Oh, I wonder what the Pope is going to do to me.." and then I beat them to death with my pope stick.  They'll be so surprised!  You don't expect a lot of beatings from the Pope.  New ideas I tells ya!

Don't worry, not an explosions and death war, more of a war of words, and possibly pranks.  Long term, the idea would be to engage Protestants worldwide in a winner-take-all fight with the goal being to eventually have one side win and re-unite Christians.  I'm tired of all these heretic Protestants running around.  It's confusing and I want to be the Pope of everyone.  I'm pretty flexible on the details of what we "believe", so I think this could work.

Be Nicer
I don't know why I have to decree this, but I feel like I definitely do.  We're going to be nicer, like the fellow from the bible, what's his face.  Nicer to women, nicer to non-heterosexuals, and just nicer in general.  Not a lot of cheek turning from Catholics lately, and the Protestants are even worse (remember we're conquering them). 

No More Vatican
You heard me mention the Pope House before.  Well, it's definitely going to be in America.  I'm not one of these people who hates Europe, but you couldn't pay me enough money to live outside of the U.S.  It's nice here, I speak the language, I already know where stuff is and I don't plan on breaking any laws, so I wouldn't really need to be my own sovereign nation. 

And if the Pope doesn't need the Vatican, neither does anyone else.  Italy can have it back.  They can turn it into a soccer field.  Or a million soccer fields.  I don't really know how big Vatican City is.  I'm guessing larger than my high school but smaller than Spain?  That sounds right.

Interfere in the World When Needed
I feel like there are things the Pope could make happen if he just took a minute to give a crap about them.  For example, Pope Sean decrees that How I Met Your Mother has to tell us who the mother is, like immediately.  And it has to be someone really good too.  Seriously, I've completely had it with that show.  It isn't even a comedy anymore.  Just tell us who the mother is so we can all move on with our lives.  You're basically just holding us hostage now.  See, I feel like if the Pope sent CBS a letter saying essentially the same thing I just said, we'd get some action.

Human Resources
There seems to be a lot going on inside the church, and I can't fix it all with my magic Pope powers.  I've decided we need an HR department.  I'm also all for a priest union.  In fact, yes, we're definitely starting a priest union.  And I can definitely afford all of this, just think of how much more money we'll have after we conquer the Protestants.

If, somehow, I don't wind up being the next Pope, I have a request.  I hear there's an African guy in the running.  I don't really know anything about him, because I obviously don't really care at all about this silly nonsense, but I vote for the African guy.  I would like to see a movie in which Morgan Freeman plays the Pope, and as sad as it is to admit, we're running out of time for that.  It may be now or never.  Get on it!


  1. No more church? then you won't need more priests right? And women priests? Bad plan, we're too volatile. On a good day we'd be giving stuff away like Oprah, on a bad day we'd be reinstating the Inquisition. I'm liking the pope stick plan, but please reconsider the Vatican thing-or at least keep it as a vacation country so me and you dad can go on vacation (okay, me, dad still hasn't got a passport). Or maybe compromise and move it to County Clare, great country and world's best Guinness. And the union? Grandpa will be SO proud! Ooo and maybe you could switch from Latin to Gaelic. Do I get a "My Son Is The Pope" bumpersticker?

  2. I knew somebody was going to say that. we'd still need priests, they would just have offices you could go to and talk to them, like normal people

  3. What about my bumper sticker?
